Adding Assets from Current-RMS

Adding Assets from Current-RMS

PATorganiser needs to be instructed as to which assets to then populate Inspection Results for. A typical Current-RMS user will have a large number of assets for which PAT testing is not a requirement, so we allow the user to select the assets to provide data for.

In PATorganiser, navigate to the Current-RMS Synchronisation page which is the More menu

If you have not visited this page before and added assets, the form will present the Add button to begin with. Once you have added assets, a grid showing the synchronisation status of each item will be presented

  1. Select the Products from Current-RMS that you would like to synchronise; either Create a new Inspection or select an existing if you already have Current-RMS configured this way.
  2. Type in a Site and Location that the assets will live in, in PATorganiser
  3. Use the Filter to find Products you are specifically looking for
  4. Use the Refresh Cache link to get a fresh copy from Current-RMS of your details (this may take some time)

Once added, the assets will appear in the Sync screen where the status of data updates to Current-RMS is displayed.

The Sync screen allows you to view when the various assets were last synchronised to Current-RMS
  1. You can also select assets to Unlink them
  2. You can use the Add Assets button to add new/additional items whenever you need to