An overview of the Organiser
The Organiser gives you an overview of your client information and enables access to:
- contact details and address,
- site, location and asset details,
- scheduled and unscheduled work,
- outstanding reports and archived reports,
- adding images and test data,
- moving sites and locations.
How the Date Filter Works.
View and edit only the clients and sites you wish to view by using the date filter. PATorganiser allows you to show all dates or filter your assets by weeks, months, years and custom date ranges; giving you complete control over what you want to see and work on.
Click on the Date Filter in the Organiser view
Either select a broad range Date filter that you wish to view
Or select a more specific date range using the calendar
The Organiser view will now only show Clients/Sites and Locations relevant to your applied date range or filter
Remember to re-set your Organiser to View All, if you wish to see all of your Clients & Sites.
The Organiser View
The Organiser is split into 2 panes R/H and L/H
The Left Hand Pane
- The Client
- The Site
- The Location
- Assets
- The Unknown Client
- Add a New Client
The Unknown Client explained.
This means that a site or location in question has simply not been assigned to a client (either manually by you, or automatically by you PAT Tester) in this case your site or location will show under "Unknown Client" in the dashboard and in the organiser view.
This gives you time to assign the site or location to the correct client or new client at a later time.
The "Unknown Client" also applies if you manually create a test/asset/location or site and do not assign them to a client.
The Right Hand Pane.
- The Client Overview tab
- Edit Client details, addresses, phone numbers etc.
- Add a new Site to the Client
- Delete a Site
- Move the site to a different Client
- Site overview
- Any Scheduled/Unscheduled work or Reports to do or Archived Reports show here.
- The Assets Overview tab
- Add an Asset
- Delete/Move or Export (.csv) Assets
- View the tests of a particular Asset

- Risks Tab
- Any associated Risk Assessments are documented here.
- Delete/Move or Export Risk Assessment
- The Reports Tab
- Select a Report: Summary + Images/Summary - Images/Detailed Test/Asset Register/Repair Register/Risk Assessment.
- Page 1 of 4
- Forward or Backwards a page.
- Save your Report to Files
- Export your report to Email/PDF/Print or Excel
- Zoom in or out of the Report

- The Invoice Tab
- Add you services
- Automatically adds the amount of tests you have carried out (depending on the Date Filter set)
- Add additional line items such as repairs
- Create your Invoice
- Save or Export your invoice to Email, Print, PDF or Excel format.
To view Individual Asset's information, Tests/Repairs etc. or to add additional Tests click on the Asset in the L/H Pane, and select the particular test you wish to view.