Current-RMS Integration Overview

Current-RMS Integration Overview

How are PATorganiser Assets linked to Current-RMS Assets (also known as Stock Levels)?

The key piece of information between the two assets is the Asset ID (sometimes called an Asset Number). This Identifier is unique within the Current-RMS ecosystem and we have a setting in PATorganiser which is enabled which also indicates that Asset IDs in PATorganiser should be unique.
Using this identifier allows us to link existing PATorganiser assets or decide to create new assets. In the link dialog within PATorganiser, we ask you to provide a location to store assets unless they are found.

Should I add assets to PATorganiser before or after linking to Current-RMS?

As per the above description, the order does not matter in terms of the end goal but there are a few things to note. Your tester may understand the location hierarchy of your assets and PATorganiser uses this information to organise the assets. By importing from your tester first, the assets will be organised in this hierarchy and when linked to Current-RMS, will maintain this organisation.

Can PATorganiser populate the Inspection Tasks list in Current-RMS?

(As of January 2023) Yes - We can populate Inspection Tasks. The following link provides details of this functionality - Current-RMS - Inspection Tasks.

If new assets are added in Current-RMS, how do I add them into PATorganiser?

Additional assets can be added at anytime using the Add Link dialog in PATorganiser, but this is a manual step. We are contemplating an option which if chosen would, on a schedule, check for new assets - please notify us if this would assist you. There is also a possibility down the road whereby Current-RMS can notify PAToganiser as each stock level is added to Current-RMS, but this is not yet possible.