Downloading the Metrel GammaPat MI 3311, Metrel 3309 DeltaPAT & Metrel 3309 DeltaPAT BT using a USB-PC Cable
This guide will take you through the steps to download your data from the Metrel GammaPat MI 3311, Metrel 3309 DeltaPAT & Metrel 3309 DeltaPAT BT into the PATorganiser software.
Before you attempt to download any data to PATorganiser ensure you have installed "PATorganiser Connect" to your computer/tablet first.
Setting up your Metrel GammaPat MI 3311, Metrel 3309 DeltaPAT & Metrel 3309 DeltaPAT BT for downloading
- Turn on your metrel tester
- Ensure your pat tester is set at its main menu (see image below)
- Connect your pat tester to your pc with the usb cable it came with, you may need to install the usb drivers supplied on the metrel cd included with your pat tester
- Select setup
- Select communication
Select USB
When you have connected the USB cable into the PC and the tester you will be shown a screen confirming this on the MI 3311 but not the MI 3309.
Importing Data from your Metrel GammaPat MI 3311, Metrel 3309 DeltaPAT & Metrel 3309 DeltaPAT BT to PATorganiser
Once you have connected your Metrel to your computer as outlined above, o
n your computer or tablet visit the PATorganiser app webpage at:
Log into your account and from the PATorganiser dashboard:
Select import tests
Then press the [ PATconnect - Primetest 300 ] button which will launch PATorganiser Connect.
- Note: please ignore that the button says Primetest 300 on it
If you have installed PATorganiser Connect the following screen will show up
Click on the settings wheel
and select settings from the drop down menu
Click on select device from the drop down menu
Select Metrel/Gamma PAT or Metrel/Delta PAT
Ensure you are correctly logged into PATorganiser with the username and password provided
Under Settings select an available Com Port (the Baud rate will be selected automatically)
Please note the Baud rate is 230400 for the Metrel MI 3311 Gamma PAT.
The Baud rate is 115200 for the Metrel MI 3309 Delta PAT
(it is important that you select the correct com port and baud rate)
On PATorganiser se
Your data will start to download (you can preview your data at this point)
Select transfer data (your data will be uploaded to PATorganiser)
Your data will now be shown under recent tests and will be placed in the unknown client folder ready for you to allocate to a client (depending on your internet speed this may take a few minutes to show).