How to use the Calendar in PATorganiser

How to use the Calendar

Scheduling re-tests, tasks & tester calibration dates is so easy with our calendar. Complete with email reminders you can set recurring meetings and events on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Our calendar will make sure you never miss another important meeting or appointment.

  1. "Unscheduled Assets", means needs to be booked in or confirmed
  2. "Scheduled Events" means booked in or confirmed
Open up the Calendar

Choose a date for you new event and "double click"

  1. Choose a title
  2. Start Date and Time
  3. End Date and Time
  4. Add a  Description
  5. Assign a User or Technician
  6. Save

Your new event will now show in the calendar

And the Dashboard

You will also receive an email reminder 2 weeks prior to the event...