Setup Current-RMS Integration

Setup Current-RMS Integration

Current-RMS is a cloud based solution for equipment rental, hiring and sales - A key requirement for certain users in this market is that the equipment be PAT tested on a frequent basis.

Current-RMS recently deployed an Inspection and Tests module for tracking test results as well as knowing when to re-test certain assets.

Why integrate with PATorganiser?

PATorganiser handles retrieving testing data from PAT devices, feeds, files and exports all in one location. Once your Current-RMS assets are linked in PATorganiser, Inspection Result data can automatically flow into Current-RMS as soon as it's available.
PATorganiser is compatible with a majority of testing devices available today as well as allowing file imports or manual entry.

Setup the integration

Use the following steps to setup PATorganiser's integration with Current-RMS.

  1. Login to your Current-RMS subscription (using your subdomain) e.g.

  2. Navigate to the System Setup using the Dropdown menu in the top right, or URL
  3. Select Integrations

  4. Select the Current-RMS API

  5. Enable the API (if not already) and create a new API key for use with PATorganiser

  6. Press Update to save the new Key and then copy the Key to your clipboard

  7. In PATorganiser, open the Settings page from the right dropdown menu

  8. Select the Current-RMS tab from within Settings

  9. Enter in your Current-RMS subdomain and paste the Key copied in Step 5 into the API Key field
    Note: Please enter just the subdomain for your Current-RMS subscription and not the full URL) e.g. your-company instead of

  10. Press Save and the details will be validated - it should turn green and say OK

Find Out More - PAtorganiser page outlining integration benefits for Current-RMS subscribers - Informational page on the Current-RMS website regarding PATorganiser - Current-RMS blog post regarding our integration